
While Demi Lovato may not be claiming that she and Selena Gomez are still BFF, she is claiming that they are friends and we find it hard to believe. Some serious drama went down between the two and in interviews when it all happened the two ma
de very clear that they were going through something and that they weren’t BFF anymore. Demi even made a point months ago when a fan asked her how Selena was to tell them to ask Selena’s new BFF Taylor Swift. Yikes!

So when Demi said in a recent interview that she and Selena were still friends we were honestly shocked. Do you think the two have made up? We haven’t seen them out and about anywhere together, so unless they’re hanging out secretively we’re not seeing how they could be anything more than maybe phone friends or email buds. Here’s what Demi had to say

Bullying is something I went through when I was 12 years old. I actually ended up leaving school because of it. I just called my mom and I was crying and I said ‘I don’t want to go to school any more’. It was a rough time, I was by myself. I actually home schooled with Selena Gomez so she was a good friend to me then and she still is.

We’re not believing it. Are you?

Demi even made clear during an interview at the American Music Award nominations that her friends in the industry included Miley Cyrus and Kim Kardashian, she even mentioned Taylor Swift, but she never mentioned Selena!

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